Faculty hiring, mentoring, reappointment, promotion, tenure, and retirement, and appointment of all academic staff.
40-60 hirings of faculty and academic staff
5-10 tenure reviews
3-5 promotions to professor
10-15 reappointment reviews
Oversees budget for all academic departments and programs, including faculty and staff salaries
Leads discussions of curriculum and administers funds for curriculum development
Promotes discussions and development of pedagogy among faculty
Promotes faculty professional development and oversees resources for support
Plays a central role in institutional grants and a review role in individual faculty research grants; plays a central role in capital campaign planning
Oversees and coordinates academic support, including:
Bowdoin College Museum of Art
Peary-MacMillan Arctic Museum
Baldwin Center for Learning and Teaching - Quantitative Reasoning Program - Writing and Rhetoric Program - First-Year Writing Seminar Program - English for Multilingual Students Support Program
Center for Co-Curricular Opportunities - Off-Campus Study and International Programs - Student Fellowships and Research - Health Professions Advising
THRIVE Program
Schiller Coastal Studies Center
Bowdoin Scientific Station at Kent Island
Office of the Registrar
Office of Sponsored Research
Lab instructors and technical staff
Academic department coordinators
McKeen Center for the Common Good
Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations
Oversees the use of academic space (office assignments and classrooms); plays a lead role in academic building projects
Leads planning for classroom design and renovation and oversees classroom projects
Undertakes regular departmental and program reviews
Supports all faculty committees as needed and staffs the following committees:
CAPT—Committee on Appointments, Promotion, and Tenure
CEP—Curriculum and Educational Policy Committee
CIC—Curriculum Implementation Committee
CFDI—Committee for Faculty Diversity and Inclusion
CoTCP—Committee on Teaching and Classroom Practice
FDC—Faculty Development Committee
GFA—Governance and Faculty Affairs Committee
IACUC/IBC—Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee/Institutional Biosafety Committee
IRB—Institutional Review Board
L&C—Lectures and Concerts Committee
Recording Committee
SFC—Student Fellowships Committee
Faculty working groups, as needed
BCMA Advisory Council
Communicates regularly with the Academic Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees