Getting Started
Getting Started with Research
Students get started engaging in collaborative student-faculty research in many ways. Students can enroll in an independent study or honors research project during the academic year and receive credit for their research experience. Students participating in summer research will spend 8-10 weeks conducting research in collaboration with faculty, supported by a stipend and funds for research supplies. Additionally, there are many off-campus summer research opportunities at other institutions.
How do you get started finding a research opportunity?
Finding a research opportunity for the summer. Bowdoin offers many funding opportunities for summer research through institutional and departmental fellowships. More information about pursuing research opportunities at Bowdoin or off-campus can be found here. Again, get started by making a connection with a faculty member and be sure to attend the chemistry research information session that is generally held during the fall semester. Note that we advise getting starting thinking about the summer during the fall semester. On-campus fellowship applications are due in February; application deadlines for off-campus fellowships may be earlier.