Winter 2024

We publish Bowdoin Magazine three times a year and send it free of charge to all Bowdoin alumni, parents of current and recent undergraduates, members of the senior class, faculty and staff, and members of the Association of Bowdoin Friends.

Inside the Winter 2024 issue:

Bowdoin Magazine Winter 2024

Second to Nature

In his story about Bowdoin surfers over generations, writer, recent grad, and surfer Chris Ritter ’21 describes what happens in the cold Maine waters: a sense of being both a part of and apart from the world, in a moving meditation built on taking, receiving, and riding the waves.

Humanity's Art

Michael Colbert ’16 talks with faculty in Bowdoin’s new urban studies minor and alumni working in the field about challenges and opportunities that face our cities.

The Root of All Virtues

Four members of the Bowdoin community write about humility’s role in helping us to be human and what it means to cultivate humility in the modern world.


Finn Woodruff '21

  • What Lasts: English teacher Samantha Francis-Taylor ’09 on finding solace in her grief for former student Finn Woodruff ’21.




Luke Wilson '06

  • Water Defender: Attorney Luke Wilson ’06 is ensuring a future where water is more than a resource—it’s a right.
  • Creative as the Day is Long: When she isn’t working as an executive assistant in finance and administration at Bowdoin, Amy Dionne is busy exercising her creativity in vast and varied ways.
  • Shrimp and Artichoke Hearts: Professor of physics Dale Syphers shares a recipe for shrimp and artichokes to serve on rice or pasta—or as is.