Safe Computing

Securing the campus network and connected systems is the responsibility of everyone who uses them.

We rely on each individual to practice safe computing to protect the entire Bowdoin community from cyberthreats. If you have questions or need help, individualized advice and classes are available on request by contacting

Safe Computing Habits

Strong passwords and paying attention to what you click and download are keys to protecting your own data and identity as well as the online information of everyone at Bowdoin. Learn more about how to create passwords and recognize threats.

Spam and Phishing Alerts

IT is aware of an increase in spam and phishing attempts that is currently taking place. This is likely a result of the recent breach of Chegg, an online book retailer. A large number of Colleges and Universities were impacted by this breach due to the number of students that use the service. Due to students re-using passwords between Chegg and their institutional accounts, there have been a large number of compromised students at institutions everywhere.

Email addresses that end in “.edu” are in general more trusted for sending email so they will more easily bypass any email filtering organizations have in place.

We expect the numbers to go down over time as institutions and individuals recover their accounts, but in the short term we expect to see more spam and phishing than usual.

Data Security Policies

Members of the Bowdoin College community are subject to the Computer and Network Usage Policy. Review a complete listing of data security policies that apply to faculty, students, staff with official standing, and others who have access to the College's IT Resources.