Reese, H.E., Brown, W. A., & Rooks, J. (in press). Mindfulness-based Interventions for Tourette Syndrome: Current Status and Future Directions. Psychiatric Clinics.
Reese, H.E., Brown, W. A., Summers, B., Hoeppner, S., Miller, S., & Wilhelm, S. (2024). An online mindfulness-based group intervention for tics: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Movement Disorders, 39 (9), 1610-1618. http://doi.org/10.1002/mds.29870
Reese, H. E. & Usmani, A. (2023). Behavior therapy for Tourette Syndrome and Persistent Tic Disorder. In T. J. Petersen, S. Sprich, & S. Wilhelm (Eds.) The Massachusetts General Hospital Handbook of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (2nd ed., pp. 187-200). Switzerland: Springer Nature.
Çek, D., Reese, H. E., Broos, H., & Timpano, K. R. (2022). Dispositional and Experimentally Induced Mindfulness Are Distinctly Associated with Obsessive Compulsive Symptoms. Mindfulness, 13(9), 2162-2174.
Berman, N., Fang, A., Hoeppner, S. S., Reese, H. E., Siev, J., Timpano, K. R., & Wheaton, M. G. (2022). COVID-19 and obsessive-compulsive symptoms in a large multi-site college sample. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 100727.
Hudiburgh, S. E., Reese, H. E., Carver, C. S., Çek, D., & Timpano, K. R. (2021). A multimethod examination of the link between obsessive compulsive symptomatology and emotion-related impulsivity. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 60 (3), 293-311.
Reese, H. E., Brown, W. A., Summers, B., Shin, J., Wheeler, G., & Wilhelm, S. (2021). Feasibility and acceptability of an online mindfulness-based group intervention for adults with tics. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 7 (82), 1-13. http://doi.org/10.1186/s40814-021-00818-y.
Hoge*, E., Reese*, H. E., Oliva, I. A., Gabriel, C. D., Guidos, B. M., Bui, E., Simon, N. M., & Dutton, M. A. (2020). Investigating the role of interpretation bias in mindfulness-based treatment of adults with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Frontiers in Psychology, 11 (82): 1-7.
* denotes equally contributing authors
Jacoby, R. J., Berman, N. C., Reese, H. E., Shin, J., Sprich, S., Szymanski, J., Pollard, C A., & Wilhelm, S. (2019). Disseminating cognitive-behavioral therapy for obsessive compulsive disorder: Comparing in person vs. online training modalities. Journal of Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders, 23: 1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jocrd.2019.100485
Weingarden, H., Mothi, S. S., Ladis, I., Hoeppner, S., Reese, H. E., Timpano, K., Siev, J., Rasmussen, J., Ragan, J., Dougherty, D. D., & Wilhelm, S. (2019). D-cycloserine-augmented behavior therapy for body dysmorphic disorder: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot trial. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 43: 937-947.
Reese, H. E. (2018). Mindfulness for tics. In J. McGuire, T. Murphy, J. Piacentini, & E. Storch (Eds.), The Clinician’s Guide to the Treatment and Management of Youth with Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorders (pp. 279-297). San Diego, CA: Elsevier.
Abramovitch, A., Hallion, L., Reese, H. E., Woods, D. W., Peterson, A., Piacentini, J., Scahill, L., Deckersbach, T., & Wilhelm, S. (2017). Neurocognitive predictors of treatment response to randomized treatment in adults with tic disorders. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 74, 9-14.
Reese, H. E., Pollard, A., Szymanski, J., Berman, N., Crowe, K., Rosenfield, E., & Wilhelm, S. (2016). The Behavior Therapy Training Institute for OCD: A Preliminary Report. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 8, 79-85.
Reese, H. E. & Usmani, A. (2016). Cognitive behavior therapy for Tourette Syndrome and Chronic Tic Disorder. In T. J. Petersen, S. Sprich, & S. Wilhelm (Eds.) The Massachusetts General Hospital Handbook of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (pp. 131-140). New York: Springer.
Sprich, S. E., Olatunji, B. O., Reese, H. E., Otto, M. W., Rosenfield, E., & Wilhelm, S. (2016). Cognitive-behavioral therapy, behavioral therapy, and cognitive Therapy. In T. A. Stern, J. F. Rosenbaum, M. Fava, S. Rauch, & J. Biederman (Eds.), Comprehensive Clinical Psychiatry (2nd ed., pp. 152-164). Philadelphia, PA: Mosby/Elsevier.
Abramovitch, A., Reese, H. E., Woods, D. W., Peterson, A., Deckersbach, T., Piacentini, J., Scahill, L., & Wilhelm, S. (2015). Psychometric Properties of a Self-Report Instrument for the Assessment of Tic Severity in Adults with Tic Disorders. Behavior Therapy, 46, 786-796.
Reese, H. E., Vallejo, Z., Rasmussen, J. L., Crowe, K., Rosenfield, E. & Wilhelm, S. (2015). Mindfulness-based stress reduction for Tourette Syndrome and Chronic Tic Disorder: A pilot study. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 78, 293-298.
Keuthen, N.J., Tung, E.S., Reese, H.E., Raikes, J., Lee, L., & Mansueto, C.S. (2015). Getting the word out: CBT for Trichotillomania (Hair Pulling Disorder) and Excoriation (Skin-Picking) Disorder. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry, 27, 10-15.
Deckersbach, T., Chou, T., Britton, J.C., Carlson, L.E., Reese, H.E., Siev, J., Scahill, L., Piacentini, J.C., Woods, D.W., Walkup, J.T., Peterson, A.L., Dougherty, D.D., Wilhelm, S. (2014). Neural correlates of behavior therapy for Tourette's Disorder. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 224, 269-274.
Reese, H. E., Scahill, L., Peterson, A. L., Crowe, K., Woods, D. W., Piacentini, J., Walkup, J. T., & Wilhelm, S. (2014). The premonitory urge to tic: Measurement, characteristics, and correlates in older adolescents and adults. Behavior Therapy, 45, 177-186.
Reese, H. E., Rosenfield, E., Wilhelm, S. (2013). Reflections on the theory-practice gap in cognitive behavior therapy. Behavior Therapy, 44, 609-613.
Heeren, A., Reese, H. E., McNally, R. J., & Philippot, P. (2012). Attention training toward and away from threat in social phobia: Effects on subjective, behavioral, and physiological measures of anxiety. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 50, 30-39.
Siev, J., Reese, H. E., Timpano, K. R., & Wilhelm, S. (2012). Assessment and treatment of pathological skin picking. In J. E. Grant & M. N. Potenza (Eds.), Oxford handbook of impulse control disorders (pp. 360-374). New York: Oxford University Press.
Keuthen, N. J., Siev, J., & Reese, H. E. (2012). The assessment of trichotillomania, pathological skin picking, and stereotypic movement disorder. In J. E. Grant, D. J. Stein, D. Woods, & N. J. Keuthen (Eds.), Trichotillomania, skin picking, and other body-focused repetitive behaviors (pp. 129-150). Washington DC: American Psychiatric Publishing Inc.
Reese, H. E., McNally, R. J., & Wilhelm, S. W. (2011). Reality monitoring in patients with body dysmorphic disorder. Behavior Therapy, 42, 387-398.
Reese, H. E., McNally, R. J., & Wilhelm, S. W. (2010). Probabilistic reasoning in patients with body dysmorphic disorder. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 42, 270-276.
Reese, H. E., McNally, R. J., Najmi, S., & Amir, N. (2010). Attention training for reducing spider fear in spider-fearful individuals. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 24, 657-662.
Reese, H. E., McNally, R. J., & Wilhelm, S. W. (2010). Facial asymmetry detection in patients with body dysmorphic disorder. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 48, 936-940.
Chasson, G. S., Buhlmann, U., Tolin, D. F., Rao, S. R., Reese, H. E.,Rowley, T., Welsh, K. S., & Wilhelm, S. (2010). Need for speed: Evaluating slopes of OCD recovery in behavior therapy enhanced with d-cycloserine. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 48, 675-679.
Najmi, S., Reese, H. E., Wilhelm, S., Fama, J., Beck, C., & Wegner, D. M. (2010). Learning the futility of the thought suppression enterprise in normal experience and in obsessive compulsive disorder. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 38, 1-14.
Reese, H. E., Timpano, K., Siev, J., Rowley, T., & Wilhelm, S. (2010). Behavior therapy for tourette syndrome and chronic tic disorder: A web-based video illustration of treatment components. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 17, 16-24.
Reese, H. E., Najmi, S., & McNally, R. J. (2010). Vulnerability to anxiety disorders in adulthood. In R. E. Ingram & J. M. Price (Eds.), Vulnerability to psychopathology: Risk across the lifespan (pp. 334-356). New York: Guilford Press.
McNally, R. J., Malcarne, V. L., Najmi, S., Hansdottir, I., Reese, H. E., & Merz, E. L. (2010). Vulnerability to anxiety disorders across the lifespan. In R. E. Ingram & J. M. Price (Eds.), Vulnerability to psychopathology: Risk across the lifespan (pp. 357-362). New York: Guilford Press.
Greenberg, J. L., Delinsky, S. S., Reese, H. E., Buhlmann, U. & Wilhelm, S. (2010). Body Image. In J. E. Grant & M. N. Potenza (Eds.), Young adult mental health (pp. 126-142). New York: Oxford University Press.
Smits, J. A. J., Reese, H. E., Powers, M. B. & Otto, M. W. (2010). Combined treatment strategies: Current status and future directions. In M.W. Otto & S.G. Hofmann (Eds.), Avoiding Treatment Failures in the Anxiety Disorders. (pp. 67- 81). New York: Springer.